Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Well here it is! My new start to life. I am only 6 days away from the divorce I should have gotten years ago. I am now 13 months into a life that is still new to me. I have always taken that hard road that is filled with potholes and curves. For once I am taking that easy road full of beauty and love. I now wake in the morning with a smile and that glimmer of hope in my eye. I couldn't say that before.

I was living a life of abuse. My married life was all but a fairy tale. The abuse started the day after I said "I do", and didn't end until August 15th when I walked away. I walked away from everything I knew at the time. "Friends", that were only really glorified babysitters, "A husband", that was a dictator, and "A family", that was all but lost.

On my 25th birthday, I received the best present that anyone could have given me. I was going to be an aunt. That was the day my eyes opened and so did my heart. I had only spoken with my sister a handful of times within the past 6 years. I realized, I didn't want to be distant from my niece or nephew. I wanted to be there to watch them grow up. For them to call me when I was needed or wanted. Thankfully when my eyes opened, I knew I deserved more. I was worth much more that what I was getting. That was truly the first day to my new life.

Less then 2 months later I was on the road. I traveled half way across the country to find myself. With the support of my family I have found love, happiness, and peace.

For my parents, thank you for standing beside me and helping me when I needed it.
For my sister, thank you for the friendship that we have created. You truly are one strong woman that I am honored to know and love.
For my nephew, thank you for giving me that hope to pick up the pieces and make the puzzle whole again. You are forever my angel.
For the love of my life, thank you for walking beside me. You have given me the courage to find myself and the strength to believe in her.
For my friends, thank you for the stories, the laughter, the support, and the love. And for those that only find beauty in the world, thank you for your vision.