Saturday, December 09, 2006

Wow How Time Passes....

Since the last time that I just sat down and took the time to write anything down so much has happened. My sister and her family came and stayed a weekend with us. It really was a joy being able to see them and spoil the nephew. I have to say that I truly am a Proud Aunt!! :) The only thing I would have liked to change about their stay is the length of it. It really felt like we tried to fit everything in so little time. Next time they come up it will be much better.

I have also changed jobs.....And I feel that the change is good. I am in training still and will be for a few more weeks but for the most part I have a pretty good idea what the job entitles. It will be a challenge at first I am sure but I feel confident that I will be able to give 150% of myself to do the best of my ability.

I have started and almost finished my Christmas Shopping!! At least I finished what needs to be sent out. It seems like the day you say you are done you end up getting more.....I just have to not get myself into that. Now I just hope I don't have the "I really like it" when they really don't bug. I have done the best that I can.

Last night I took the love of my life out to dinner and a movie. We went to see the Mel Gibson's Apocalypto. It was one of the best movies I have seen in years. The way he uses visual aids to move you and set so much emotion in the movie was fabulous. I truly hope that more people go out and see this. I was really surprised to walk into a movie theater last night and only see 8 people. I can tell you that all of us left that theater after an amazing journey with a respect for the work Mel put into this film.